Welcome to 3-Day Weekend Club

Create a Time, Money & Happiness-Abundant Lifestyle So You Fully Enjoy Your Family, Friends, & Life

Learn to create the impact, income, freedom & life you most desire.

The fundamentals apply to everyone...

  • Students, Employees & Side-Hustlers
  • Freelancers, Start-Ups & Solopreneurs
  • Business Owners, Executives, CEOs & Mentors

Start your journey today to create your 3-day weekend or similar lifestyle.

It took me 22 years after graduating college to make it happen for me and my family. I can probably help you make it happen a lot quicker.

Our Members are Focused on Doing These Things...

  1. Enjoy Life NOW, as Tomorrow is Not Promised
  2. Create a 3-Day Weekend Lifestyle (or a life that feels like that) ASAP
  3. Free Up the Time to Enjoy their Favorite Activities & Relationships
  4. Find & Earn the Money to Support this Lifestyle
  5. Create a Happy, Connected, Multi-Dimensional, & Energetic Life
  6. Give themselves Permission & Freedom to Fully Enjoy Life
  7. Reduce & Eliminate Overwhelm, Stress, & the Disease of Seriousness
  8. Create Greater & Deeper Connections & Relationships with Others
  9. Do Work that Makes a Positive Impact & Abundant Income
  10. Enjoy True Work / Life Harmony

2 Levels of Focus / Membership

3-Day Weekend Club (LIFE COACHING) is for all people, regardless of the type of work you do.

  • The primary focus is enjoying life OUTSIDE of work and freeing up the time and money for your most enjoyable activities and relationships.
  • You don't need to change jobs or be an entrepreneur to benefit from this Life-Coaching work.
  • TARGET RESULTS = Free Up 5-15 Hours per Week & 5%-10% of Your Income per Month to Enjoy Life More.

3-Day Weekend Entrepreneur Club (BUSINESS GROWTH COACHING) is for Entrepreneurs, Freelancers, Start-Ups, Side-Hustlers, Business Owners, and anyone who has or wishes to start their own business.

  • The primary focus is to create greater IMPACT and INCOME at work in LESS TIME, so you can greater enjoy life outside of work.
  • We leverage Business Growth Coaching Strategies - including income multiplication, profitable delegation, customer retention, long-term growth, and more.
  • TARGET RESULTS = Make 10%-20% More Income... in 20% Less Time... over a 12-Month or Shorter Period. *

* Results are not and cannot be legally guaranteed, but that's what we often see. There's always a 30-day guarantee for any paid membership level and you can stop the membership at any time.

* You can try the 3-Day Weekend Entrepreneur Club for free for 30 days. That's how committed I am to make sure this is a fit for you.

Start Free - Whichever Club You Choose

  • If you're willing to invest the time (about 30-60 minutes per week), you're likely to see progress.
  • I've experienced many successes and failures over 20+ years as an entrepreneur and coach.
  • Many of the members in this group have even greater levels and years of experience that I do.
  • Learn from my & group members' centuries of experience & wisdom.

START NOW! There is no other time.